We invite our neighbors to join our Church of the Master family. We believe we can serve you well as you seek to grow spiritually and emotionally. We don't offer an easy road, but we do offer a faithful partnership with you along life's journey. In addition to Sunday worship, we offer book fellowship, Bible study, fellowships for youth, women, singles and doubles, and older adults. We have both an active music ministry with both vocal and bell choirs. we are committed participants in such missions as "Habitat for Humanity," and specialized missions of our denomination with children's homes, homes for developmentally disabled, inner-city neighborhood houses and more. Our office is open from 9a.m. to 2p.m. daily through the week, and our pastor and professional staff are available to offer ministries to you and our other neighbors whenever possible. Keep us in your prayers, as we, certainly, shall keep you in ours. Yours in Christ's love and service. The people of Church of the Master, UCC.
NEW!!! Sunday Contemporary Service 11:00a.m.
Children's Sunday School 9:30a.m.
Adult Education 11:00a.m.
Phone 314.921.3344 Fax 314.921.2150
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