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Each Sunday at Church of the Master, The Reverend Mike Krewson seeks to affirm the worth and self worth of each person in attendance. He tells again that God’s love and grace are available and strives to inspire a hunger for life in the God’s purpose.

Pastor Mike is in his 50’s.  He grew up in the Hazelwood area, graduated from Hazelwood High School in 1974, and received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Missouri, St. Louis in 1979.  He earned his Masters of Divinity from Eden Seminary in 1984 and was ordained by the United Church of Christ in July of 1984.

In 1976, he was married to Mary Ann McCarthy and they are the proud parents of three boys and a girl, who are now in their teens and 20’s.  Mary Ann is a registered nurse at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Belleville, working in staff education teaching Nurses as well as other staff of the hospital. Rev. Krewson’s father resides in the Florissant area.

Reverend Krewson served as Pastor of Ebenezer, U.C.C. in Levasy, Missouri from 1984 to 1988, as Pastor of St. Paul’s U.C.C. in Defiance, Missouri from 1989 to 1993, as Pastor of St. John’s U.C.C. in DuQuoin, Illinois from 1993 to 1999 and since  has served as Associate Pastor of Eden U.C.C. in Edwardsville, Illinois from 1999 to 2007.  As Pastor of Church of the Master UCC, Florissant he preaches, administers the sacraments and rites of the church in traditional and contemporary worship service, visits shut ins, teaches Confirmation,  and other duties as assigned.

Pastor Krewson has a strong affinity with the United Church of Christ, serving on the GIVING ministry of the Conference and the St. Louis Association Committee on Ministry. He very much enjoyed his first hands on experience with Habitat for Humanity in July of 2008. He has a strong dedication to church growth and works closely with staff and lay leadership. 

 In his hobby, robotics, Mike was chosen to be a Judge for the St. Louis Regional FIRST Lego League robot competition (Middle School) and the FIRST Robot Competition (High School).